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Friday, February 22, 2008

Why is Obama xeroxing Ron L. Hubbard?

An anonymous reader writes in with another Earth-shattering revelation, no joke.

I have in front of me documented evidence that Obama plagiarizes Scientology's King of Crackpot. The words of Ron L. Hubbard, from the literary classic Battleship Earth:

Animal-man dude #1: The great villages were built by our people. By millions of men and women just like us willing to fight to the death for one thing above all else- their freedom.

Animal-man dude #2: Do you think no one has tried? You can't defeat them.

Animal-man dude #1: Yes we can. Yes we can!

Sound familiar? It should. It's written on your t-shirt.

I don't usually publish stories sourced anonymously- I mean who am I? Agent Judith MIller? No, I'm just some blooger named Unicorn Hotdog (curse you, Mama). However, in this case I will make an exception. If I had watched that movie or read that book, I wouldn't want anyone to know either.

Update: This quote is at least in the movie. I used to work in a video store, back when I was finishing up my phd, and I still have a few connections up there. (Hi, D.) Well, I had my boy check the quote out, and it's at least in the movie.

Update II: I tried to go to the public library and see if it was in the book, but the librarian kept looking at me kinda funny like. Then I realized she must have noticed I was hovering around the Ron L. Hubbard section, which I imagine throws up a lot of red flags. They have my card on file already, and after the Monkey Incident, I don't want any more trouble.

Update III: It it possible that "anonymous" refers not to a person but the organization of the same name who has vowed to take down Scientology with their Mad Hack skills? Am I a pawn of their evil schemes? It doesn't make sense, I know. But just because we can't understand gravity doesn't mean we go flying off the face of the Earth.

Update IIII: phd? meant ghb.

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