A blog (a portmanteau of web log) is a website where entries are commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Edwards or Gore will not come out for Obama

In light of Hillary's ever more destructive strategies for securing the Donk Nomination, many are asking, "Where is Gore, dude?," which is often followed by, "I don't know, man. Where is Edwards?"

Speaking from personal experience let me just say: Don't speak that way in a job interview unless its a position at a head shop, or maybe as a Kucinich Kamp couselor, and only then if you are intent upon reinforcing streotypes.

As for your Gore and Edwards
-"we sold out long ago"
No, no, no, sorry, that was not me. That was the waitress commenting on the Quiche Lorraine.

Gore and Edwards are saving their endorsement to provide sway against a delegate "stalemate." Playing their cards now will not prevent a cookie crumbling, but a well-timed karate chop could help put the king back together again.

If you only have one bullet, wait for your ducks to get in a row.

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